Updated COVID-19 procedures

We updated our normatives about security against COVID-19:

  • You can now visit us with up to 5 guests. No age restrictions.
  • We require all guests 5 years and older to use face mask.

Thank you for your attention.

Lawsuit 0024 – Defamation

This review is false and was posted before the grand opening of the business by a competitor or a person trying to harm our online reputation under false pretenses; therefore, it violates Google’s terms of use Under Section 230 of the Consumer Decency Act.

Our legal team has gathered the evidence and will file a “John Doe” suit to discover the poster identity that may incur defamation penalty compensation. Please use the following link to follow the status of the lawsuit: https://www.littlebelliesspa.com/lawsuit0024

Forbes selected Little Bellies Spa as the Top 100 Startups of 2019

Forbes selected Little Bellies Spa as the Top 100 Startups of 2019 -01 / Forbes Under 30 seleccionó a Little Bellies Spa como una de las 100 mejores startups del 2019 -01

This years summit was on October 27th in the Masonic Hall in downtown Detroit for four days.

The main attraction was the Forbes Startup Hub which spotlights 100 of the worlds top disruptive early stage start-ups, connecting them to the world’s most influential resources, investors and media. This is an invite-only program designed to support fast-growth start-ups from around the world in providing access to the tools and resources they need to accelerate their business.

When to visit us?

When to visit us?

Calculate your Ultrasound sessionLittle Bellies Spa recommends to get a 2D/3D/4D & 5D-HD Ultrasound at least three times during pregnancy so that you can see how your baby develops gradually as the months go by.

Between week 15 and 25 of pregnancy it is exciting to hear the baby’s heartbeat and you can also find out the baby’s gender. It is ideal to see his/her full body and movement in 2D. The baby is growing rapidly in your belly and you may get beautiful 3D, 4D or 5D-HD images.

Between week 26 and 32 of pregnancy is the best time to see the baby in 3D 4D, because, at this stage of pregnancy, not only can you see the little baby’s body, but you may detail his face and even have the chance to see his/her gestures and movements. A beautiful and exciting experience!

From week 33 onwards, your baby may take a lot of room in the uterus and- therefore- it may be difficult to visualize him/her but if he/she cooperates (in other words, if he/she is not camera shy), you may see in his/her face, sex and gestures in detail with a 2D / 3D / 4D & 5D-HD Ultrasound.

If you aren’t able to see your baby or you’re not satisfied with your pictures, there is nothing to worry about!

Little Bellies Spa wants you to meet and see your baby in 2D / 3D / 4D or 5D-HD, so we will set a new appointment for you free of charge in the unlikely event that you are not able to visualize the baby in the ultrasound session.

These ultrasounds have no medical purpose and no medical report will be provided. Our only intent is to provide and allow you and your family to share an unforgettable experience with your baby from your belly.

About Us

About Us

Little Bellies Spa is a Service by Pancita’s Group.

We are a team of OB/GYN doctors and professionals dedicated to the care of women before, during and after pregnancy.

Little Bellies Spa was founded in 2015 with two locations in Florida, we have expanded to offer our services nationwide. We provide tools and support to women during the most beautiful and happy period of their lives.

In 2016, we introduced our Stretch Mark Therapy products, developed in Europe, these products are now used by thousands of pregnant women to prevent and heal stretch marks. Find them at you local Little bellies Spa location or Amazon Prime.

Back in 1998, our Medical Chief Officer Dr. Israel Pesate, a renowned OB/GYN with over 30 years of experience, had a vision of a website that would focus on pregnancy issues and support for mommies and future mommies and Embarazada.com was born. He is the creator of all of the medical content which is also Pancita’s Group intellectual backbone. Nowadays, Embarazada.com has well over 5 million views a month.


Ultrasounds provided by Little Bellies Spa have NO medical purpose and no medical reports are provided. Our only intent is to allow you and your family to share an unforgettable experience with your baby.

Little Bellies Spa is a Service by Pancita's Group.

We are a team of professionals dedicated to the care of women before, during and after pregnancy.

Little Bellies Spa was founded in 2015 with two locations in Florida, we have expanded to offer our services nationwide. We provide tools and support to women during the most beautiful and happy period of their lives.

In 2016 we introduced our Stretch Mark Therapy products. These products are now used by thousands of pregnant women to prevent and heal stretch marks. Find them at you local Little bellies Spa location or Amazon Prime.

Back in 1998, the Medical Chief Officer of Pancitas Group Dr. Israel Pesate, a renowned OB/GYN with over 30 years of experience, had a vision of a website that would focus on pregnancy issues and support for mommies and future mommies and Embarazada.com was born. He is the creator of all of the medical content which is also Pancita's Group intellectual backbone. Nowadays, Embarazada.com has well over 5 million views a month.

Back to Homepage

For Ultrasound information,
please visit our Ultrasound page

For Prenatal & Post-natal massage information,
please visit our Massage page

For Ultrasound and Massage packages,
please visit our Specials page

For Ultrasound & Massage Giftcards,
please visit our Gift cards page

If you have any question,
please visit our Contact page